{"error":null,"error_cd":"","errors":[],"is_success":1,"pager":{"counts":"5","end":5,"limit":"5","next":2,"offset":"0","page":1,"pages_total":39497,"prev":null,"start":1,"total":"197483"},"reviews":[{"comment":"英語がきれいで進行も良かったです。\nまたレッスン受けたいです。","posted_at":"2024-11-22 22:31:45 +09:00","posted_by":"Rie","rate":"5.0","teacher":{"bookmarked_total":1616,"details":{"about_me":"Good day! My name is Teacher Cecery. \nI'm a psychology graduate with a strong passion for teaching English to international students. \nAs a teacher, I aim to create a safe environment for my students to feel at ease in my class. Creating a positive atmosphere in class will allow my students to confidently express themselves and ask questions and clarifications. Most importantly, do not be afraid to make mistakes. I'm here to teach my students and help them gain confidence in speaking English. \nI enjoy singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments. Aside from that, when I was a student, I used to enjoy presenting reports to our class. I remember spending hours preparing and researching my assigned topic to ensure I was ready in front of the class, and that's when I realized I liked teaching. I'm also curious about different cultures, traditions, and languages. I used to study Spanish, Korean, Japanese, and English, among other languages. Now, as an ESL teacher, I'm grateful for the opportunity to teach English to other students who want to learn the language. See you online.","career":"2年","good_at":["大人が得意","上級者が得意"],"hobbies":"I have a lot of hobbies that I often do on my free time. I love watching movies and series, especially those where I can learn the culture, traditions, practices, and language of a particular country. I would usually watch Korean dramas, Japanese Rom-Com movies, Spanish series, American movies etc. Some of my favorites are Clash Landing On You (Korean drama), Your Name and Closest Love to Heaven (Japanese movies). I also love playing Call of Duty Mobile at night before I sleep. On weekends, I would usually spend time with my family and friends. Lastly, I have interest in doing some Tiktok videos as well. I do some voiceover challenge, and make some short song covers as well.","introduction_ja":"Cecery先生は教師という職業に強い情熱を持っています。\nレッスンではいつも教えることを楽しみ、生徒さん達と過ごす時間を大切にしています。\nCecery先生はポジティブでフレンドリーなレッスン環境を提供してくれるので、何も心配することはありません。\nきっと楽しく英語を学び、彼女からたくさんの事を学ぶことができるでしょう。\n今すぐCecery先生のレッスンをご予約ください。\n","picture_files":[],"university":"La Consolacion University Philippines","youtube":"_DV2WjD9kuU"},"id":5250,"label":"cecery","nickname":"Cecery","picture_file":"images/teacher/b5/f9/2751018f828e5775494fbf94d872bdd8dd3cb5f9.jpg","rate":"4.5"}},{"comment":"前回がSpeak more with your teacherで止まったからフリートークしかできなかったのですが、すごく面白い先生です!彼女が日本に2年住んでいたということもあって、日本に関する話題がポンポンでてきました!いつも笑顔で面白い先生です!","posted_at":"2024-11-22 22:29:59 +09:00","posted_by":"チャモト","rate":"5.0","teacher":{"bookmarked_total":560,"details":{"about_me":"Hello, my name is Teacher Chase. I graduated with a nursing degree. I taught English as a second language in Japan for two years and have been teaching English online for nearly eight years. I appreciate movies for a variety of reasons. I enjoy the art of storytelling and how films can take us to new places. I'm also a major fan of Japanese cuisine, with ramen and takoyaki being my top favorites. There's just something about ramen's rich broth and thick noodles, as well as takoyaki's crispy crust and creamy interior, that never gets old. I consider myself a happy person since you will often notice me smiling. I smile to establish connections and generate a sense of friendship with others. When it comes to my teaching style, I employ a variety of teaching tactics with varying end goals; also, my lessons are always enjoyable, innovative, and engaging. I want my students to be calm; therefore, we do a lot of internet activities. In my class, making mistakes is not a problem because it is part of the learning process. And to all of my potential students out there, I believe we will have a great time together, and hope to see you in my class soon.","career":"10年2ヶ月","good_at":["子供が得意","初心者が得意"],"hobbies":"Baking cakes, watching Japanese anime (Naruto, One Piece, Yu Yu Hakusho etc.), listening to music, exploring different culinary traditions, and enjoying taking a walk with my family and friends. ","introduction_ja":"Chase先生は日本で英語を教えた経験があります。\n彼女は楽しくて魅力的なレッスンの提供を心がけています。\nレッスンであなたにお会いできることをとても楽しみにしています。\n","picture_files":[],"university":"Medina College","youtube":"aGlMaeNj06A"},"id":186624265,"label":"chase","nickname":"Chase","picture_file":"images/teacher/3a/cc/a3840999842f8aec251056a79be1858b11f13acc.jpg","rate":"5.0"}},{"comment":"レッスンの終わりの時間にすら現れませんでした。","posted_at":"2024-11-22 22:27:46 +09:00","posted_by":"Satoshi","rate":"0.0","teacher":{"bookmarked_total":348,"details":{"about_me":"Hello!! Good day to you! My name is Arca. \nI graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management from Philippine Women's University. \nI've been teaching online for 1 year with Japanese students and studied basic Nihongo. I have a Teaching English as Foreign Language certificate too. I'm the type of person who likes to stay busy. I work early in the morning, and I'm a homemaker during the daytime. When I have free time, I listen to music, study, and listen to English podcasts. I also love walking around, and it makes me feel relaxed. \nTeaching has been my passion. It's what my hearts truly desire. Meeting new people in different countries excites me because I can learn from them, such as their culture, tradition, history, and characteristics. I admire students who are not afraid of making mistakes and are trying their best to speak! We are here to make progress and learn together. Don't worry. My job is to teach and guide learners on their English journey. \nSo what are you waiting for? Reserve my class now! See you!","career":"2年10ヶ月","good_at":["大人が得意","上級者が得意"],"hobbies":"Listening to music (I love listening to RnB songs), watching movies on Netflix (I love Kevin Hart and comedy), walking around (It makes me feel relaxed), and cooking .","introduction_ja":"Arca先生は観光管理の学士号を取得し、日本人に英語を教えた経験があります。\n彼女は教師としてあなたの英語学習の旅を導きます。\n安心してArca先生のレッスンにご参加ください!\n","picture_files":[],"university":"Philippine Women's University - Calamba","youtube":"R_qpvARqWD4"},"id":71365470,"label":"arca","nickname":"Arca","picture_file":"images/teacher/85/83/02d0fe234902e5178b3a38966f60ecea9c1b8583.jpg","rate":"3.5"}},{"comment":"とても良かったです。子供も楽しくレッスンを受けていました。スペルチェックをしてくれたので良かったです。","posted_at":"2024-11-22 22:25:53 +09:00","posted_by":"Kensuke","rate":"5.0","teacher":{"bookmarked_total":22,"details":{"about_me":"Hello! My name is Teacher Dittany, and I am a graduate of Food Business Management. During my high school and college years, I taught English to my relatives and nephews. Outside of work, I adore painting on blank canvases, baking, and photographing my baby. I'm excited to invite you to my class, where we'll practice speaking English, pronouncing words, and using English grammar. See you soon!","career":"1ヶ月","good_at":["子供が得意","初心者が得意"],"hobbies":"Painting line canvas, Baking such as Banana Cake and Choco Moist Cake, and Singing Karaoke.","introduction_ja":null,"picture_files":[],"university":"Central Mindanao University","youtube":"CJgwKvMsVsM"},"id":211803124,"label":"dittany","nickname":"Dittany","picture_file":"images/teacher/a7/4a/025a8825aa7b9d429fbcb107e5c8ede823b4a74a.jpg","rate":"3.5"}},{"comment":"とにかく優しい先生です。🎵☺️💌間違っても優しくとにかく優しく笑顔で教えてくれるます。😋わたしは最初は緊張していましたが、やっていくうちに楽しくなってきたのでやる気が出てきました。🔥😎わたしは今日初めてTexas 先生の授業を受けましたがもうレッスンが終わったらすぐにお気に入りの先生に登録しました。始めたばかりの人や上級者の人もTexas 授業を受けたら楽しくなると思います。♪♪わたしは絶対に先生👩‍🏫の授業を受けた方が絶対にいいと思います。👍先生は教え方もうまく、ずっと笑ってたり、優しくしてくれたりするので安心したりできます。😄なのでわたしもずっと楽しくてずっと笑っていられます。😄💌🪷この先生は凄く良い⭕️先生です。なので、必ず先生の授業を受けてください。❣️😋😻💜ついでに、好きな色とかも聞いてきてくれるのでとても嬉しいです。😄😄💜💞        \n先生の授業は受けてみてくださいね。🎵♪( ´θ`)     \n長文ですみません。😫😖  \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nあっ😅🤭最後にメダルを🥇大量に送ってれますので。😄","posted_at":"2024-11-22 22:20:25 +09:00","posted_by":"Isaki","rate":"5.0","teacher":{"bookmarked_total":76,"details":{"about_me":"Hello, my name is Texas, and I am studying for a Bachelor of Secondary Education with a major in Mathematics. I have been voluntarily teaching young learners for a year through my university's extension program. During my free time, I enjoy watching anime and Chinese dramas, as well as doing random hobbies like crocheting, singing, dancing, and sports. I began to enjoy teaching when I was in high school, since many people complimented my teaching style and ability to convey a clear message to them. Back then, my English was still poor, and I was having difficulty utilizing it while teaching and reporting, but as time passed and a good teacher taught me about English, I learned how to speak confidently and how to use simple words depending on who I was speaking with. English is genuinely enjoyable, and I never regret learning it because I know it will lead to numerous opportunities for everyone. \n\nCome and book a class with me and I will teach you how to learn and understand English. We will share ideas and have fun and exciting activities. See you online!","career":"1年3ヶ月","good_at":["大人が得意","初心者が得意"],"hobbies":"Crocheting, singing, and watching Disney movies, C-drama and anime.","introduction_ja":"Texas先生は現在、数学を専攻し中等教育の学士号を取得中です。\n彼女は高校生の頃、英語がとても苦手でしたが、素晴らしい教師から教わったことで、\n英語を理解し自信を持って話すことができるようになりました。\n生徒さん達にも同じように、楽しみながら分かりやすく英語を教えていきたいと考えていいます。\nTexas先生のレッスンをご予約し、楽しくエキサイティングな英語学習をご体験ください。\n\n","picture_files":[],"university":"Mindanao States University - GENERAL SANTOS CITY","youtube":null},"id":198043193,"label":"texas","nickname":"Texas","picture_file":"images/teacher/b0/94/c3e316741996152acad1e7060e815c231ae4b094.jpg","rate":null}}],"service_name":"site::api::v1::teacher"}