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Hi, my name is Sinclair. I completed my Bachelor of Secondary Education with a major in English at Saint Michael College in Hindang, Leyte. I've spent my academic career seeking information, and I can't wait to share my enthusiasm for learning with you. As a teacher for two years, I've had the opportunity to guide students through the wonderful world of learning English. My approach is built on fostering a cooperative, engaging classroom environment in which each student's unique skills are recognized and valued. When I'm not teaching, I enjoy spending time outside or experimenting in the kitchen. I also enjoy watching movies and K-dramas.

For me, teaching is more than a profession; it is a calling. Seeing the spark of comprehension in a student's eyes is truly fulfilling. English, as a language, is a bridge that links people from different cultures, and I'm fascinated by its ability to ease conversation and foster understanding.

Are you ready to explore the world of English with me? Let's make language learning an enjoyable experience! Schedule your class, and let the linguistic exploration begin. Come learn with me in an environment where enjoying the process of learning is as vital as acquiring knowledge. I look forward to the opportunity to be your English teacher and learning companion.

Saint Michael College of Hindang Leyte
Watching Korean drama and series, listening to Korean Pop music, and cooking dessert and some dishes.
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