まずは気軽に! 無料体験はこちら

Hello! I'm Teacher Claudette, and you can call me just that. I graduated from Southern Leyte State University with a Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education majoring in Home Economics.

As your teacher, I prioritize providing a welcoming environment for my students, and respecting your learning journey is essential to me. I care deeply about your development and aim to guide you throughout the learning process. Patience is one of my virtues, and I ensure every class is as enjoyable as possible. Outside of teaching, my hobbies include listening to Korean pop songs, singing, drawing, and creating arts and crafts. When I'm bored, I often watch movies, particularly Japanese and Chinese films.

I'm passionate about teaching English because I believe everyone deserves to learn a language universally spoken by many people. Come and join me in class! Let's foster a love for English and embark on this learning adventure together.

Southern Leyte State University
Listening to Korean Pop music, watching English movies, Japanese movies, Chinese movies, singing, drawing and doing arts and crafts.
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