Hello there! My name is Teacher Pesiao from Cebu, Philippines.
I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education.
I take great pride in being a Licensed Professional Teacher, demonstrating my commitment to providing high-quality education to my students.
I've been teaching for ten years. These experiences were invaluable and memorable for my teaching philosophy. I cherish the moments when I witnessed my students' growth and learning, making those years some of the most rewarding of my life.
During my free time, I love to watch English and Korean drama. I consider myself flexible, friendly, and approachable, making it easy for my students to connect with me.
Teaching is my passion. There's no greater satisfaction than witnessing my students grow academically and personally. Every student's voice matters in my classroom, and I make sure they feel heard, understood, and valued. I create an environment where students are encouraged to speak, be comfortable, and strive for excellence without the fear of making mistakes.
I am excited to meet you in my class and embark on this educational journey together. I'm here to help you develop your skills in the English language. Rest assured that every type will be a blend of fun and valuable learning experiences. I can't wait to see the progress and achievements that await us.
See you soon in class!
- 出身大学
- Cebu Technological University- Tuburan Campus
- 講師歴
- 11年8ヶ月
- 趣味
- Watching English Movies like The Shawshank Redemption, Braveheart and etc., climbing a mountain and strolling along a serene shoreline
- 特徴
- 子供が得意 初心者が得意