Hello, my name is Teacher Savet. I graduated from Cebu Technological University's Main Campus with a Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education major in Home Economics. While I have only four months of teaching experience during my internship, it greatly contributed to improving my English language skills. I am a happy person who enjoys eating and watching Chinese dramas, such as Go Go Squid (a sport similar to computers). As a teacher, I am delighted to teach and share my knowledge with children. I look forward to meeting you in my class and helping you build your potential in the English Language, which you can use in communication. See you online!
- 出身大学
- Cebu Technological University - Main Campus
- 講師歴
- 11ヶ月
- 趣味
- Watching movie ("The Boy and Heron"), eating foods, and baking like chocolate cupcakes.
- 特徴
- 子供が得意 初心者が得意