Hello! My name is Teacher Vitani. I recently graduated from a prominent university with a Bachelor of Elementary Education. As a teacher, I am personable, understanding, attentive, and committed to providing the best education that my children deserve. Aside from teaching, I adore traveling; in my spare time, I go bicycling, mountain trekking, or waterfall hopping. It relaxes me whenever I visit new places. Watching movies is one of the reasons I want to learn more about the English language, as I enjoy seeing poetic movies. Speaking about English, teaching English to non-native speakers is my way of empowering others to learn basic English words that will allow them to communicate with other English speakers and prosper in a globalized world. As a teacher, I specialize in fundamental English grammar, storytelling, and pronunciation. I will do my absolute best to provide you with learning opportunities and an engaging lesson. See you online!
- 出身大学
- University of the Visayas Main Campus
- 講師歴
- 1年
- 趣味
- Mountain trekking, biking, watching movies (Mamma Mia, Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again, Hairspay, and Avatar), listening to music, and playing volleyball.
- 特徴
- 子供が得意 初心者が得意