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Topic 1 More Companies Want Employees to Work LessIn many industrial countries, people work five eight-hour days or 40 hours a week. But some companies now want their employees to work just four days a week and still pay them for five.
Topic 2 Forget Exercising: Surgeons Can Make the Stomach Look MuscularThe ideal body is often presented as one with a stomach having no fat, or better yet, defined muscles.
Topic 3 Researchers Test for Cancer in a Person's BreathIn the United States, many people think of drunk driving when they hear the term “breathalyzer.”
Topic 4 Questions to Ask Before You MarryMarriage. Is it a romantic situation with some practical parts? Or is it a practical situation with some romantic parts?
Topic 5 New Exercise Trend Also Helps EnvironmentFor some people, walking or running outdoors is a great way to exercise. What may not be so great is seeing trash all over the ground.
Topic 6 Negative Self-Talk Can Hurt YouSometimes a little self-criticism is not a bad thing. We all can learn much from our mistakes. However, too much of it may affect your brain -- and your life.
Topic 7 Which Is Better for Your Career: Specializing or Generalizing?When trying to make a successful career, which is better: being a generalist or a specialist?
Topic 8 Face Blind' People Cannot Remember FacesSome people are great at remembering faces. Once they meet you, they never forget how you look.
Topic 9 Is Climate Change Making You Sneeze More?Blooming flowers and new growth on trees make spring a beautiful time of the year. But for many people, all of this new growth only brings suffering in the form of allergies.
Topic 10 Powerful Magnets Can Relieve DepressionDepression is more than just feeling sad. It is a serious disease. Depression can interfere with normal life and a person’s sense of self-worth. It can end in suicide.
Topic 11 Mushroom Hunting Gains Popularity in USWhat used to be an outdoor activity for only extreme foodies is now becoming more and more popular in many parts of the United States.
Topic 12 Ancient Bones Reveal Ancient Diet, LifestyleScientists learned recently that fish was the main source of protein for people in southern Scandinavia many thousands of years ago.
Topic 13 Non-Traditional Treatment Helps People Breathe EasierA Hungarian doctor is advising her lung disease patients to consider a non-traditional form of treatment: singing!
Topic 14 In the U.S., Some Men Are Helping Women Give BirthAn increasing number of pregnant women in the United States choose to work with a doula.
Topic 15 Ways to Achieve Your GoalsIf you are like millions of people around the world, the New Year brings with it new goals.
Topic 16 WHO: Too Much Screen Time Bad for ChildrenThe World Health Organization (WHO) has released its first ever guidance on how much time young children should spend using electronic devices with screens.
Topic 17 Healthy Children Not Growing Properly May Lack ThisMost healthy children between the ages of four and 10 grow about five centimeters a year.
Topic 18 Soap Invented by Indian Women May Save LivesOne of the easiest ways to stop the spread of disease is to simply wash your hands.
Topic 19 Study: Air Pollution Reduces IntelligenceAir pollution is a killer.
The World Health Organization says it kills an estimated seven million people around the world each year.
Topic 20 Mother's Milk Is Best for Smallest HumansA premature baby is born too early, before 37 weeks of pregnancy. A micro preemie is born even earlier, spending less than 26 weeks inside the mother. A pregnancy normally lasts about 40 weeks.
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