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レッスン一覧 (全20レッスン)
  • Topic 1 Managing Your Work, Your Child's Work Online
    The coronavirus pandemic has changed many things about everyday life. One big change is childcare – or the lack of it.
  • Topic 2 Commuters May Get Less Sleep and Exercise
    People who work long hours and have long commutes to their jobs may be more likely to have sleep problems and not get enough exercise, a new study suggests.
  • Topic 3 WHO: Cancers Increasing But Not a 'Death Sentence'
    The World Health Organization reports cancer is on the increase around the world. But it says preventive measures can save the lives of millions of cancer sufferers over the next 10 years.
  • Topic 4 New Study Looks Into Why Females Live Longer Than Males
    Researchers already know that women live longer than men in all parts of the world.
  • Topic 5 Staying Safe During a Lightning Storm
    Lightning is one of the most powerful weather forces to hit Earth.
  • Topic 6 Scientists Just Beginning to Understand COVID-19 Health Problems
    Scientists are only beginning to understand the health problems that are caused by the novel coronavirus.
  • Topic 7 Difficulties, Opportunities Moving Classes Online
    As schools close because of the coronavirus outbreak, educators in specialized subjects are dealing with the difficulty of moving their classes online.
  • Topic 8 Pets, Especially Dogs, Help During Quarantine
    Throughout human history, we have used animals for food and for work. But thousands of years ago, we began using them for something else – companionship.
  • Topic 9 Why You Need to Start Strength Training Today
    The aging process affects the human body in many ways. One thing that happens to all of us as we age is muscle loss.
  • Topic 10 Japanese Travelers Try Virtual Vacations
    Japanese businessman Katsuo Inoue chose Italy for his summer vacation this year. He enjoyed the views of Florence and Rome - without ever leaving Tokyo.
  • Topic 11 Study: Home Cleaning Products May Cause Breathing Problems in Children
    New parents who clean their homes very often to protect their babies from bacteria and other organisms might want to cut back their efforts.
  • Topic 12 Chinese Researchers Warn of Possible New ‘Pandemic Virus’
    Researchers say a new influenza virus found in Chinese pigs has become more infectious to human beings.
  • Topic 13 Getting Married During a Pandemic
    Marriage ceremonies, or weddings, are among the most important events in the lives of many people.
  • Topic 14 It’s Alarming: What Wakes You Up Each Morning?
    How do you wake up in the morning?
  • Topic 15 Food Waste Decreasing Worldwide, Good for Planet
    Clint Parry looked through every part of his kitchen during the stay-at-home period in Detroit, Michigan. He was looking for different foods and leftovers to put together meals.
  • Topic 16 Cooking During the Pandemic
    For the past several months, many restaurants have either been closed or are offering limited services because of the coronavirus health crisis.
  • Topic 17 Feeling Sad? Hug a Tree!
    To stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic, we have had to sacrifice many things we enjoy, including physical contact with others.
  • Topic 18 Google AI System Could Improve Breast Cancer Detection
    A Google artificial intelligence system was as good as expert radiologists at discovering which women had breast cancer in a new study.
  • Topic 19 Fashion Industry Clears Its Calendar, Looks to Other Changes
    From Armani to Gucci, top fashion houses are slowing the rate at which they hold fashion shows and launch new lines of clothing.
  • Topic 20 How to Safely Care for COVID-19 Patients at Home
    Even though COVID-19 has been around for months, there are still many unknowns. Researchers do not yet have answers to many of our questions.
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  • 長文読解の力を養いたい方
  • 様々なトピックを題材にして、会話の練習をしたい方
  • 世界各地のニュース記事を題材に、長文読解の練習と自分の意見を述べる練習を行います
  • 英語のニュース記事を読むことができる
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